Kaleidoscope of Arts » A Multimedia-Mentor Project

A Multimedia-Mentor Project

Kaleidoscope of Arts Proudly Introduces
an Inspiring Youth-Driven and Life-Changing Opportunity
Hope Faith & Dreams Foundation 501c3 has partnered with Southwest Preparatory School’s Media Education & Design Academy (MEDA), Alamo Arts Academy, and Alphagraphics Marketing to produce and showcase the Kaleidoscope of ARTS project.
This multimedia-mentor project will showcase teachable artistic literacy skills to meaningfully elevate critical thinking, public communications, research, and creative writing.
Our distinctive model will pair 11 university students, from Texas A&M University-San Antonio and UTSA-Southwest School of Art, with 11 community leaders/mentors connecting career interests with exceptional professional experience.
University students will meet, research, and conduct an on-camera interview with their chosen mentor.  The mentee and mentor will also participate in a pre-and-post-interview photography session. The on-camera interview will lead to a 500-word story with photography, published in a community book called San Antonio Inspires.
The video footage will be used for an educational community documentary.  All multimedia work will be produced and directed by Southwest Preparatory School’s MEDA Program students.
Kaleidoscope of Arts kicks off on September 26, 2022, and concludes on December 10, 2022.  The community mentor book, San Antonio Inspires, and the project documentary will be released and celebrated spring of 2023
The Kaleidoscope of Art Distinguished Mentors 
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A Conversation with Dr. Cynthia Teniente-Matson, President of Texas A&M
University-San Antonio. 
Kaleidoscope of Arts Photos
Rex Hausmann Bill Taylor Cleto Rodriguez
mentors and mentees
Kaleidascope of Arts
Media Education Design Academy