Southwest Preparatory School Participates in BexarFest 2024-25

Southwest Preparatory School Teams Partner with Nonprofits for BexarFest 2025

Southwest Preparatory School is proud to announce that our students will participate in BexarFest 2025, an exceptional multimedia program that connects high school media production teams with local nonprofit organizations. BexarFest provides students a unique opportunity to work closely with nonprofits, creating powerful outreach materials while gaining valuable experience in communications, time management, and teamwork.

This year, teams from our Northwest, Northeast, and Seguin campuses will collaborate with nonprofit organizations in San Antonio, producing video spots, photography campaigns, and graphic design work to enhance their marketing efforts.

Each of our campuses has been paired with a dedicated nonprofit, and we’re excited about the partnerships formed for this year’s event:

Northwest Campus & San Antonio Education Partnership. San Antonio education partnership
The student team from our Northwest campus is working with the San Antonio Education Partnership (SAEP), a nonprofit that is committed to increasing educational attainment through college advising and financial support.

SAEP provides free college advising services at local high schools and its central hub, cafécollege, in downtown San Antonio. In addition to advising, SAEP awards $2.1 million in scholarships each year to help students pursue and complete higher education.                   

The students from Northwest will produce outreach materials that spotlight SAEP’s mission to empower students and pave the way for a brighter future in San Antonio.

Open Trail RanchNortheast Campus & Open T.R.A.I.L. Ranch
Our Northeast campus is excited to partner with Open T.R.A.I.L. Ranch, a nonprofit offering equine-assisted activities and therapies for individuals with physical, cognitive, and emotional challenges.  Founded by Kate Vasquez, a passionate advocate for the special needs community, Open T.R.A.I.L. Ranch has grown from a small operation to a large facility serving over 100 individuals with the help of rescue horses, certified instructors, and dedicated volunteers.

By creating media campaigns, the students will help showcase Open T.R.A.I.L.’s impactful work, which supports people with a range of conditions, from Autism to Cerebral Palsy and more.

Seguin Campus & Guardian House

At our Seguin campus, students have been paired with Guardian Ha nonprofit devoted to helping children and parents in high-conflict divorce situations navigate the complexities of restructuring their families.

Guardian House Guardian House provides supervised visitation services to reduce the risk of harm and works closely with families to protect children from the emotional toll of conflict. Through their media production work, our students will raise awareness about Guardian House’s mission and its essential role in supporting families during times of great instability.

A Unique Learning Opportunity
BexarFest provides an extraordinary opportunity for students to gain hands-on experience in media production while contributing to the betterment of their community.

Over six months, our student teams will develop real-world skills by creating professional-grade materials for nonprofits and learning about resource allocation, communication strategies, and time management. At the same time, nonprofits like SAEP, Open T.R.A.I.L. Ranch, and Guardian House will benefit from the students’ creative efforts, receiving valuable tools to enhance their outreach and marketing campaigns.

Sandi Mitchell, Southwest Preparatory School’s Community Relations and Partnerships, expressed her enthusiasm about the schools’ involvement: "We're thrilled to have three of our campuses participating this year. BexarFest offers an incredible opportunity for our students to develop multimedia skills and support local nonprofits. It’s a chance for them to understand these organizations' vital work and their impact on our community. While winning awards is exciting, I think the true value lies in the more profound, meaningful experience our students gain from this collaboration.

Through BexarFest, Southwest Preparatory School is proud to support our students’ growth, both academically and as compassionate, engaged members of society. By working with these meaningful nonprofits, our students will experience firsthand the value of community service while developing the skills they need to succeed in the workforce.

As we look forward to BexarFest 2025, we can’t wait to see the incredible work that our students and their nonprofit partners will produce. Together, they’re not just creating media—they’re positively impacting the San Antonio area community.

Learn more about BexarFest: